Ayush the AI Stethoscope

Ayush was a project created for Cutting Edge 2021, where it was selected as the best first year project in the Software Engineering/ Artficial Inteligence/ Computer Science Stream.

Ayush is an AI-powered digital stethoscope that helps in early detection of Respiratory and Cardiac diseases with help of state-of-the-art Deep neural networks and ML models.

Ayush is capable of Diagnosing Diseases with an Accuracy upto 98%.

Currently Ayush can Diagose 3 out of the Top 8 Repiratory Diseases, COVID-19, and Abnormal Heartbeat patterns.

The Audio Data used to train the models was obtained from reliable sources via kaggle like Medical Researchers.

The project can be found at my Github repo: Ayush-The-AI-Stethoscope.


Mobile Interface

Initial View
Login View
Signup View
Doctor's Landing View
Stethoscope Verification
Recorder view
Region Selection View
Diagnose Option
Disease Diagnosis
Corona Diagnosis (Negative)
Corona Diagnosis (Positive)
Patient Doctor Communication
Profile for Doctors
Patient Info for Doctors
Profile for Patients